Bariatric bed vs hospital bed

Although in general, hospital beds cannot be classified as lightweight because all the accessories that are usually attached to them make them heavy. Nevertheless, when you compare the weight of one to the other, some may seem lighter in comparison. Take, for instance, the Bariatric bed that is designed for large patients. 

These types of beds are often designed to be wider and longer than the standard hospital beds, and therefore they usually have more weight and are considered to be extra heavy-duty beds. You will find this heavy-duty bed in clinics, hospitals, and rehabilitation centers. But does that make the Bariatric bed a hospital bed? 

To find out, I will be comparing Bariatric beds vs hospital beds in this helpful article. 

What is a Bariatric bed?

A bariatric bed is a heavy-duty mattress specially designed to provide comfort to large people. This bed type is made to be longer, wider, and stronger than standard hospital beds and is used majorly in hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation centers, and homes. 

What are the differences between a Bariatric bed and a hospital bed? 

A bariatric bed functions just like a typical hospital bed, so there’s no significant difference between the two. The only major difference between Bariatric and hospital beds is that Bariatric beds are designed for large people whose body weight may be much for the standard hospital bed to handle. Hence the reason they are usually made to be longer, wider, and more robust. 

What weight is a Bariatric hospital bed?

Unfortunately, I may not be able to provide you with the precise size of a Bariatric hospital bed, but I want you to know that Bariatric beds can be 88 inches long and 54 inches wide and usually have high weight than the standard hospital bed. Bariatric beds can withstand the weight of a patient that is up to 454 kg. 

How long is a Bariatric hospital bed? 

In length a Bariatric hospital bed can be as long as 88 inches. 

Who needs a Bariatric bed? 

Bariatric bed is designed especially for large people that are having mobility problem, are weak, and are affected by coordination issues. You can also put it simply that they are designed for people whose condition or overall health will improve as a result of the adjustments of the bed. For example, those people suffering from heart and circulatory disease, GERDS, arthritis, sleep apnea, and others. 

What size is a Bariatric mattress? 

A standard hospital bed size must be 36 inches wide, so any bed that is wider than 36 inches is considered a Bariatric mattress which will allow large patients to twist and turn while sleeping in them. This type of mattress also has a capacity that ranges between 450 lbs to 1000 lbs, and you will see them in a wide range of options. 

Advantages and disadvantages of Bariatric hospital bed 


  • They are wider 

Settling in a standard hospital bed can be difficult for someone big or obese because they are usually too narrow for them, and as a result, they fall off easily from them. 

A Bariatric bed is the best option for this kind of patient as they are as it comes with wider width, which allows them to turn without falling because thill always is enough space for them to change position. 

  • Higher load capacity 

Bariatric bed has a higher load capacity which is usually higher than the standard hospital bed. This bed type is made with a firm structure that is capable of withstanding heavy loads (more than on patient or obese patients without the bed breaking down. 

  • It makes movement easier 

When in the hospital, patients are moved from ward to ward for treatment or from their bed to a wheelchair to allow patients to go on a walk or to use the toilet. These frequent movements in and out of bed can be sometimes difficult with the standard hospital bed, but with the help of the removable sidebars and other features on Bariatric hospital beds, movement across the hospital environment is more convenient. 

  • They are comfortable 

A typical hospital bed, whether it be standard electric, manual, or semi-electric, must provide comfort. Every patient must be provided with the adequate support and comfort they need to get better. Bariatric bed comes with mattresses that can withstand all sorts of loads and provide comfort. 

  • They are highly durable

The materials used in making Bariatric hospital beds are very durable and solid. Therefore, they can withstand the test of time without breaking down or rusting. They last longer than most standard hospital beds and also provide optimum comfort to patients. 

  • Their height is relatively low 

This type of bed is specially designed for patients who are obsessed, and therefore, they are, in most cases, made with low height so that heavy-weight patients will not have a problem climbing on them. However, the height of the bed is not rigid because the height can be adjusted to suit the need of the patient. 


  • They are very expensive. 

Is a Bariatric the same as a hospital bed? 

No, a Bariatric is not the same as a hospital bed. 

Bariatric beds are bigger than hospital beds in length and width and also very strong, so you cannot refer to them as a typical hospital bed, but you can find them in hospitals or any medical centers. 

Bariatric bed or hospital bed, which one is better? 

A bariatric bed, although different from a standard hospital bed, functions in a similar way, so there’s no need for comparison along the line of which one is better. You have to know one thing, though, Bariatric beds are designed for heavy-weight people, which makes them more versatile.